Street Art Map


The Street Art Map is an A3 map with 3 different do-it-yourself routes along the most beautiful street art in Leeuwarden. The information on the map is in Dutch, but you can still use the map even if you don’t speak dutch to hunt the most beautiful street art. Via the QR code on the map, you can also get all the information in English.
On Street Art Cycle Route, you go off the beaten track. Here you will discover the city’s biggest and most beautiful murals, as well as fresh graffiti. The route is 14 to 20 km long and passes nearly 100 murals! Check out a sneak preview on Instagram.
On the Street Art route in the city centre, you will also discover plenty of street art among the historical buildings, which is sometimes more hidden and sometimes smaller in size, but definitely worthwhile. This route is 4 km long. See a preview on Instagram.
On the Transvaalwijk route, you go from the city centre through the neighbourhoods north of the centre and there the street art is usually of a slightly smaller size, but the connection with the surroundings is all the greater. Each work tells a story about the history of the neighbourhood or the name of the street. See a sneak preview on Instagram.


Paper Map: The paper map with all 3 routes costs only 5 euro and is for sale at: Leeuwarden Visitor Center, Hotel Post-Plaza, Ut Streekie, Videokring to Go and the Fries Museum.

Download: You can download the route ‘Street Art Cycle Route‘ as a PDF version. This printable A4 version of the map costs only 3,50 euro. But the other two routes are not included. If you want all the routes, then buy the paper version.